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jueves, 16 de agosto de 2007

Monastrell variety is Jumilla appelation's star for making quality wines in an arid climate


Being a relatively small appellation, Jumilla does not stand out for large production volumes, but rather for quality. Its wines are earning growing international acclaim. By way of example, wines by Juan Gil, Finca Luzón, Silvano García, El Nido or Olivares were rated ‘excellent’ by recognised wine critic Robert Parker. Wines by other wineries under the appellation (Agapito Rico, Julia Roch or Casa de la Ermita) are rated above 90 points in the major Spanish wine guides (Peñín, Proensa and Gourmets).
Exports of Jumilla appellation wines reached 4.8 million litres last year, nearly all red. Major export markets are the US (32 percent of sales) and Germany (28 percent).
In addition to Monastrell, reds made in Jumilla can also include Garnacha Tintorera, Cencibel (Tempranillo), Cabernet Sauvignon, Garnacha, Merlot, Syrah and, to a lesser extent, Petit Verdot. Predominant grapes for whites are Airén, Macabeo, Pedro Ximénez and Malvasía, though varieties such as Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Moscatel de grano menudo are also allowed.

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