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miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

Best sparkling wines of 2016 according to Decanter...Comment of Wines Inform Assessors

Our experts have chosen top sparkling wines and Champagne tasted in the past year. See five of the best below. And you can find more in the current issue of Decanter magazine...

Best sparkling wines of 2016

Decanter experts around the world named the five bottles under £55 that impressed them most this year, of any wine style.
These were re-tasted by a panel of Decanter tastings director Christelle Guibert, Sarah Jane Evans MW and Andy Howard MW. They picked the below as the most exciting sparkling wines of 2016.

This is part of best wines of 2016 series. Look out for more wines in the next week.

Comment of Wines Inform Assessors

Why the best? It would be not more real say the "The five sparking wines that I have enjoyed the most"?..
Or perhaps title: "After trying these 50 wines these are the ones that I found to be better"
There are thousands of brands of sparkling wines and pretend to know and value them all is impossible or create scales of valuation and at last consumers feel that ratings and awards are sponsored
Wines Inform Assessors

Origin information: Decanter

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