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miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Monastrell/Mataró/Mourvedre...In Spain and Australia ... Comentario de / Comment of Wines Inform Assessors

Monastrell/Mataró/Mourvedre...In Spain and Australia

James Halliday
Mataro is the name South Australia uses for mourvedre, and is most widely used in the Barossa Valley. It was called esparte at Great Western, Victoria, until the late 1960s. The Spanish name is monastrell, which has 58,000ha of the global total of 70,000ha planted, making Australia’s 729ha decidedly anaemic. Nonetheless, its crush increased by more than 37% in 2017 – the second-highest rise, marginally behind durif (both from a small base), with 6577 tonnes crushed.
It’s a late-ripening variety, and has been prone to producing wines high in alcohol and tannin, best blended with shiraz and grenache. But as these five wines demonstrate, it can be made very well with modest alcohol levels and controlled tannins. Dean Hewitson’s Old Garden Mourvedre is a national liquid treasure.
Comentario de / Comment of Wines Inform Assessors:
En España se están haciendo excelentes vinos con la variedad Monastrell
In Spain they are being produced excellent wines with the variety Monastrell
Origin information: Halliday Wine Companion

1 comentario:

  1. I've never taste this wine but i'm really interested with it, thanks for the help
