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lunes, 9 de octubre de 2017

Data shows widening gap between average bottle price for cork and alternative closures ... Comentario de / Comment of Wines Inform Assessors

Data shows widening gap between average bottle price for cork and alternative closures

By Jo Gilbert

New data suggests there is a widening gap between the average bottle price of cork-closed wine and wine that is sealed with alternative closures.
According to research from on-trade analysts CGA Strategy, bottles closed with cork account on average for over £5.38 more per bottle than those with screwcap and other closures.

The research looked at sales figures for the top 50 still wine brands by volume in the UK on-trade.
Analysts found there is a widening price gap between closure types – and also volume figures which point to more cork-closed wine generally being sold.
In the first instance, the data shows that the price of cork-closed wine has increased by over 11% since 2015 in comparison to +6% for artificial-closed wines.
Secondly, volume figures for cork wines appear to have grown by 48% since 2015, compared with +10% for artificial closures.
Value sales for cork-sealed wines have also accelerated past screwcap and others, according to the data.
In the past year, value sales of cork have risen by 7% compared with +9% for artificial closures.
Similar results are reflected in the off-trade.
Research conducted by Nielsen on the top 1,500 wine brands in the UK showed value sales for cork-stopped wines are growing by 6.1% year-on-year and carry a £1.52 higher average selling price per bottle than those with artificial closures.

Comentario de / Comment of Wines Inform Assessors:

Me parece logica esta tendencia del mercado. Busca productos naturales.
Wines Inform Assessors, Barcelona
This trend of the market seems logical to me. Look for natural products.
Wines Inform Assessors, Barcelona

Origin information: Harpers

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