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miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2017

Sparkling wine sales grow 76% in the UK ... Comentario de / Comment of Wines Inform Assessors

Sparkling wine sales grow 76% in the UK

The amount of sparkling wine on sale in the UK has grown nine percent in a year, after years of continuous growth, according to new figures.

Total sparkling wine sales in the UK are up 76% in five years

The figures show that there were 34.4 million gallons of sparkling wine for sale in the UK in 2016/2017 – compared to 31.6 million the previous year, according to accountancy group UHY Hacker Young.
This is a 76% increase from 2012/2013, when there were just 19.5 million gallons on sale.

Sparkling wine sales have grown 76% in five years in the UK.

James Simmonds, partner at UHY Hacker Young said ‘Sparkling wine has become increasingly democratised – and sales are soaring as a result.’
‘Some of the best premium products can hold their own against Champagne in the tasting stakes, and there is a huge variety of great sparkling wines available at price points which are roughly similar to still wines, so there’s real strength in the market.’
Data from Vinexpo and research group IWSR has also shown sparkling wine growth in the UK. They predict that by 2020 the UK will be consuming 15.2 million cases.

English wine is also growing

UHY Hacker Young attribute this growth partly to the rise in popularity of English sparkling wine.
‘English vineyards have established an impressive reputation at home and abroad for their fine sparkling wines, so this is a boon for the UK’s home-grown industry,’ said Simmons.
Over half of the wines in the UK Government cellar are English, in a bid to help promote the industry, according to latest figures from the Foreign Office.
‘With the weak pound putting upward pressure on the price of imported Prosecco, Champagne and Cava thanks to Brexit, English sparkling wine is likely to become even more appetising to consumers.’

Comentario de / Comment of Wines Inform Assessors:

Una buena noticia. La ampliación del número de consumidores da una base para la evolución positiva del sector. Ahora el trabajo es de las bodegas que deben saber mostrar su propia personalidad como productores y como personas para conseguir clientes y distribuidores fieles
Los vinos espumosos son un producto alegre y versátil que se puede consumir en momentos muy diferentes y por consumidores no habituados.
Con el tiempo evoluciona el gusto del consumidor -en Catalunya ha ido de espumosos dulces a menos dulces- y también puede haber cambios en los hábitos de consumo q¡como ha sucedido en el País Vasco en que en los años 80 se consumía cava en gran cantidad por copas en los bares y esta costumbre desapareció en los años 2000

Wines Inform Assessors, Barcelona

Good news. The expansion of the number of consumers provides a basis for the positive evolution of the sector. Now the work is of the wineries that must know how to show their own personality as producers and as people to get loyal customers and distributors
Sparkling wines are a joyful and versatile product that can be consumed at very different times and by unused consumers.
Over time the taste of the consumer evolves - in Catalonia it has gone from sparkling sweets to less sweets - and there may also be changes in consumption habits, as has happened in the Basque Country in the 1980s when cava was consumed in large amount by drinks in bars and this custom disappeared in the years 2000

Wines Inform Assessors, Barcelona

Origin information: Decanter

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